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Special Education Eligibility

What is Special Education, and who is eligible for services? 

Special Education is instruction  designed to meet the unique learning  strengths and needs of individual  students with disabilities from birth  through age 21. A child must be evaluated and identified as having a disability to be eligible for Special Education and/or related services. 

Programs are provided for students in  all disability areas recognized by the  State of Georgia. 

Disability categories are:
∙ Autism Spectrum Disorder 
∙ Deaf/Blind 
∙ Deaf/Hard of Hearing 
∙ Emotional and Behavior Disorder 
∙ Intellectual Disabilities 
∙ Orthopedic Impairment 
∙ Other Health Impairment 
∙ Significant Developmental Delay 
∙ Specific Learning Disability 
∙ Speech/Language Impairment 
∙ Traumatic Brain Injury 
∙ Visual Impairment

How can children be referred?

A referral may be made by anyone who has a concern about a child’s development. All referrals are considered confidential. The parent retains the right to refuse services. 

Children  may be referred by any of the following: 

∙ Parents/legal guardians/foster parents 
∙ Other family members 
∙ Physicians/health care providers 
∙ Preschool programs 
∙ School system personnel 
∙ Community agencies 
∙ Private school personnel 
∙ Others who are concerned about a child’s  development 

When should a child be referred to  Child Find? 
∙ A health or medical disorder interferes with development or learning
∙ A child seems to have difficulty seeing or  hearing
∙ A child appears to have social, emotional  or behavioral difficulties that affect  his/her ability to learn
∙ A child has diagnosed progressive or de generative condition that will eventually  impair or impede the child’s ability to  learn
∙ A child seems to have difficulty under standing directions lie others that are  his/her age
∙ A child’s speech is not understandable to  family or friends
∙ A child has difficulty with reading, math,  or other school subjects