Special Education
Dublin City Schools recognizes that some students require specialized instruction and/or services to achieve success in school. In order to provide appropriate educational opportunities designed to meet each student's unique learning needs, our district has a continuum of special program options.
We provides services to identify and evaluate potential learning differences in children ages three to 21 living within Dublin City's boundaries. We offer screening clinics that provide parents with information about their child's academic, vision, hearing, language, cognitive, and motor skill development.
Special Education staff are committed to helping you identify the services your child may need. If you have concerns about your child's development please contact us at (478) 353-8000.
DR. Takeisha Thomas
Director of Special Education, Student Support Services, & Pre-K
Email: takeshia.thomas@dcsirish.com
Latoya Austin
Administrative Assistant
Email: latoya.austin@dcsirish.com