School Safety
Our highly-trained safety and security staff monitor, protect and respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our paramount duty is to create a safe learning environment where each child can learn, discover and thrive.
Safety and security staff support and assist in the training of all district staff to be prepared to respond to natural- or human-caused emergencies. We work with communications and school staff to inform families about emergencies as soon as we can with as much information as possible.
We believe that a safe, secure, flexible and loving environment promotes positive learning communities for academic achievement, personal growth and emotional well-being.
And, we are committed to creating a safe environment in every school, every day. We put a high priority on building relationships with students. And, our safety and security officers are proactive to support our district's promise of supporting the needs of the whole child.
Tim Chatman
Safety Director
By Phone: (478)353-8363
Stephanie stubbs
District Health, Safety and McKinney-Vento Coordinator
By Phone: (478) 353-8090