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Gifted & Advanced Academic Program

Our Mission for Gifted Education
It is the mission of the Dublin City Schools Advanced Academics Program to recognize, nurture and develop the exceptional abilities of those learners who are gifted, talented, or high achieving in order for them to excel cognitively and creatively, while also confidently developing their social and emotional skills.

In accordance with the viewpoint of this mission statement and with the Georgia State guidelines, Dublin City Schools recognizes the unique needs of the gifted, talented and high achieving student and in turn, provides a rigorous educational program that recognizes and
makes provisions for the special needs of these learners. Utilizing an advanced curriculum, the District provides differentiated instruction designed to amplify, accelerate, and augment the learning experiences of the advanced learner. Using a variety of resources, materials and opportunities, learning is differentiated in content, process and product.

Program Goals

The Program for Gifted and Advanced Academics in Dublin City Schools is guided by the following goals:

  • To provide an environment that will cultivate and encourage the intellectual and creative abilities of students.
  • To provide identified students with appropriate enrichment and acceleration according to the students' interests, readiness, and learning styles.
  • To help students develop a realistic self-concept which allows them to realize and acknowledge their own and other's skills and talents.
  • To provide a classroom environment in which students can freely and willingly take academic risks to communicate with their intellectual peers and teachers.
  • To provide the opportunity, structure, and expectation which will increasingly encourage constructive independence and self-sufficiency.
  • To encourage the development of a more extensive knowledge base.
  • To develop research skills and strategies to enable students to become independent seekers of knowledge.

Georgia Department of Education
The Georgia Department of Education’s Gifted Program is funded by the State of Georgia. In Georgia, a gifted education student is defined as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her ability(ies).

Dr. Susan ThorNton

Director of Gifted Services Kindergarten - 12th Grade


By Phone:  (478) 353-8115

Matt taylor

Irish Gifted Academy Principal


By Phone:  (478) 353-8458

Chasity Carter-Williams

Dublin High School IB Coordinator 


By Phone:  (478) 353-8107