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21st Century Community Learning Centers

Mission Statement

The mission of Dublin City 21st Century C.L.C. Program is to provide:

  • Quality before and after school care
  • Academic instruction in math and reading
  • Enrichment activities
  • Homework assistance
  • Nutritional snacks, following USDA guidelines
  • Field trips
  • Project based activities
  • Recreation and sports activities
  • Safe environment before and after school
  • Certified Site Coordinators
  • Certified Teachers
  • Certified Paraprofessionals 


The Dublin City 21st Century Program provides high quality and engaging enrichment activities that support students’ learning and development. The program offers a variety of activities – recreation and games, arts and crafts, academics including math and reading, homework assistance, music, and time for the children to pursue their own interests – in a safe, friendly environment.

Desired Outcomes

The desired outcomes of the 21st Century C.L.C. Program are to: 

  • Show increased achievement in math and reading
  • Have a better understanding of career choices
  • Decrease truancy and drop-out rates
  • Decrease grade retention
  • Decrease disciplinary problems in school

It takes community, parents, and staff working together to help our students reach their full potential.

At Dublin Middle School and Dublin High School, students have certified teachers and certified paraprofessionals enriching them and remediating them in Math, Reading/Language Arts, and Science.  They receive homework help, academic instruction, and tutoring.  Class size during instruction is limited to ten children in a small group setting. This allows for hands-on activities and individual attention. Character education is emphasized, and students participate in enrichment activities such as art, music, dance, karate, and much more.  Additionally, we take educational field trips, and special guests visit our sites. 

Dublin High School also offers credit recovery to students during 21st Century Sessions.  

Each day, a nutritious snack is provided, and each child receives transportation home once the program has concluded.   


For more information, please contact our program director:

Cathy Methvin
Email: // By Phone:   478-353-8016