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As part of Dublin City Schools’ continued effort to create open lines of communication, our goal is to make it easier and more efficient for students, staff, families, and community members to request public information. The district responds to requests for public records in accordance with Georgia’s Open Government Guide. Our Director of Strategic and Crisis Communication, Ashley-Michelle Thublin, handles all requests, making sure the right person is contacted and that a response is made as promptly as possible.

If you are a member of our Irish Family or media outlet wishing to request an interview or gather additional information, please email Please allow us adequate time to review and facilitate this request, and please be aware that the public records law does not require Dublin City Schools to do research, analyze data, or create a record that does not currently exist.

July 27, 2023:  News alert to local media partners

During tonight’s special called meeting, the Dublin City Board of Education heard from its final three candidates to fulfill its vacant, At-Large seat.  Following impressive interviews from three individuals who deeply care for the students of our district, the Board has appointed Regina McRae to serve until the November Election.

Mrs. McRae will begin here role as a Dublin City Schools Board Member during the August 14th regularly scheduled meeting.

July 24, 2023:  Response to Media Request from the Courier Herald

REQUEST: Have the three finalists for the vacant board position been chosen yet, and if so, can I get their names please? I would like to include them in the story that would be published in Thursday morning's paper. 

RESPONSE:  The Board was very impressed with each of the candidates and sincerely appreciates their interest in our district and for taking the time to come speak with them last night.  

At this time, the Board has selected Jerry Davis, Matt Lake and Regina McRae to participate in their final round of interviews.  The interviews are taking place during the Board’s next called meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 26th at 6:00 PM.

Following final interviews, the Board will appoint its new member during their August 14th regularly scheduled meeting. 

April 13, 2023:  News Alert to Local Media Partners

Good Morning, 

Sorry for the double email, but I also wanted to let you know that Dublin City’s School Nutrition Department is partnering with LimeSink Creek Honey to bring Susie Dasher Elementary School’s Bee Day to life.  TOMORROW, Friday, April 14th the campus will be “abuzz” with honey tasting, bee education classes and a traveling live beehive. 

The event is taking place from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 1:00 - 2:00 PM, and the school’s address is 911 Martin Luther King Jr Drive in Dublin, GA. 

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions! 

April 13, 2023:  News Alert to Local Media Partners 

Good Morning Local Media Partners, 

I wanted to make sure you knew Dublin City Schools will be hosting its first Baby Irish Reunion THIS Saturday, April 15th.  Baby Irish is one of our answers to the question, “How can we connect families with district resources before their child starts Pre-K?”  

The outreach initiative is open to ALL FAMILIES ACROSS THE COMMUNITY and is set to include: 

-Two Parent University Classes, 

-Occupational and Physical Therapy Screenings, 

-Onsite Pre-K Registration, 

-Free Treats (including the cutest onesie and toddler t-shirts you’ve ever seen), 

-A Sesame Street Toddler Bounce House

-The Big Green Reading Machine and Mobile Laurens County Library

-An appearance by the Cat in the Hat, 

-A delicious lunch, 

-The opportunity to connect with future classmates,  

-And More! 

Plus it’s all FREE! 

It all begins at 10:30 AM in the Irish Gifted Academy’s Gymnasium - located at 1127 Hillcrest Parkway.  

We hope to see you there.  However, if your schedule doesn't allow it, I'd be happy to share photos with you after the fact. 

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions!  

February 16, 2023:  WGXA 


Not sure if you remember me but I was the reporter that did the story about y'all smashing graduation rates-- I'm hoping this go around that you can help me on this regional story about enrollment numbers across Middle Georgia. I'm tapping into the largest counties and checking in what are the enrollment numbers for 2019-2020 and 2021- 2022. Im not sure if you are the right person to request this information from but I just remember how kind you were when I visited yall. If you can help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.


Thanks so much for reaching out.  I apologize for the delay.  The district is currently on Winter Break, so I haven't been checking my email regularly.  But, I am indeed the correct person for this request.  According to the Georgia Department of Education's website ( I pulled the October numbers for both), Dublin City Schools' enrollment for the following years was: 

2019-2020 School Year: 2,296 

2021-2022 School Year:  2, 336 

Also, as part of your search, this might be a helpful resource, as it allows you to examine enrollment data for all public school districts across the state over several years. 


February 14, 2023:  Press Release for Local Media Partners

Good Afternoon Local Media Partners, 

During last night’s meeting of the Dublin City Board of Education, Mr. Matt Taylor was unanimously selected as the next middle grades principal for the Irish Gifted Academy. Mr. Taylor will begin his new role on June 1st, as Dr. Shannon Norfleet will be retiring at the end of this school year.

“This is a dream come true,” said Taylor. “I started at Susie Dasher and have always viewed Dublin City Schools as a family. So, giving back to the community that has poured its love, heart, soul and support into me is huge.”

Taylor has been in education for 11 years.

He began his career in 2012 as a 4th and 5th Grade Inclusion Teacher at Susie Dasher Elementary School, and presently serves as the Irish Gifted Academy assistant principal.

Additional information as well as photos of Mr. Taylor have been attached to this email; however, if you have any questions, please let me know.

February 6, 2023:  News Alert to Local Media PartnerS

I wanted to let you know that Dublin City Schools will be hosting its 2023 Career Expo on Saturday, February 11th at the Irish Gifted Academy, located at 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON.  

We believe it's important to recruit highly effective professionals for all positions because our students deserve the very best.  Here at DCS, we pride ourselves on having the highest starting salaries (including Lucky Loot) for certified first-year teachers in the Heart of Georgia RESA.  For the 2023-2024 school year, it will be $44,212. 

In addition to attending career fairs at universities across the state, our Human Resources Department is focusing its recruitment efforts here in our community to, hopefully, draw in additional candidates already connected to Dublin-Laurens County.   

Both full and part-time positions will be available during the Career Expo - including teachers, bus drivers, maintenance staff, school nutrition staff, substitute teachers and administration.

Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. 

If you have any questions or would like to set up a time to talk with our HR Director, Dr. Amy Duke, please let me know. 

January 31, 2023:  News Alert to Local Media Partners 

Good Afternoon Local Media Partners, 

I wanted to let you know that Dublin Middle School will be having its annual Career Day, TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 1st.  The day will begin at 8:30 AM, and the final rotation will conclude around 1:50 PM.  (Presenters will take an hour break from 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM).  

Guests include our local police and sheriff’s department, the Dublin Fire Department, Wild Bore Machine, Fairview Park Hospital, Erdrich USA, Morris Bank, Laurens County EMT, Oconee Fall Line Technical College and many more.

It might make for a cute story highlighting community partnerships and how Dublin City Schools is supporting students (Pre-K through 12th Grade) on their journey to being college and career ready.  Plus, each presenter has been asked to have a hands-on activity or display.  

If you’re able to make it, Dublin Middle School is located at 1501 North Jefferson Street in Dublin, GA. 

And, if you aren’t able to make it in person but would still like to highlight the hard work of Dublin Middle School's Career Committee Team, I’d be happy to share photos with you following tomorrow’s events. 

Thanks for your support, and should you have any questions, please let me know! 

December 5, 2022:  News Alert to Local Media Partners

Good Morning Local Media Partners, 

I hope your weekend was restful and that your Monday's off to a fantastic start!  I wanted to let you know about TWO Holiday Happenings taking place in the D-U-B this week. 

Tuesday, December 6th 

Dr. Williams will be partnering with local leaders and community supporters during his 2022 Superintendent's Reading Motorcade.  During tomorrow's festivities, visitors will join us for a light breakfast before boarding a school bus to read to elementary students across the district!  The schedule can be found below: 

  • 8:30 AM -Arrive at the Dublin High School Auditorium (located at 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021 ) for a light breakfast and welcome 
  • 8:50 AM - Depart for Susie Dasher Elementary School (911 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Dublin, GA 31021)
  • 9:00 AM - Arrive at Susie Dasher Elementary School 
  • 9:30 AM - Leave for Hillcrest Elementary School (1100 Edgewood Dr, Dublin, GA 31021) 
  • 9:40 AM - Arrive at Hillcrest Elementary School 
  • 10:20 AM - Leave for the Irish Gifted Academy (1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021) 
  • 10:30 AM - Arrive at Irish Gifted Academy 
  • 11:00 AM - Return to Auditorium, event concludes

Thursday, December 8th 

Dublin City Schools' Fine Arts Showcase, Hometown Holly, is making its comeback THIS Thursday, December 8th at 6:30 PM in Dublin High School's Auditorium! Students from across the district will display their talents, and you're sure to leave a bit more in the holiday spirit.  The event will feature performances from chorus, dance, band and theatre classes while visual arts and a festival of trees will be on display. 

If you're unable to attend but would like photos from either event, please let me know! 

Thanks, and, as always, please don't hesitate to let me know should you have any questions. 

November 28, 2022:  News Alert to Local Media Partners 

Good Afternoon Local Media Partners, 

I wanted to let you know that Dublin High School will be hosting its annual College and Career Fair tomorrow, Tuesday, November 29th from 9:00 - 11:30 AM in the DHS Auditorium, which is located at 1127 Hillcrest Parkway.  

Along with their parents, the Class of 2023 will have the opportunity to meet with more than 20 representatives from: All Branches of the Military, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Albany State University, Augusta University, Brewton-Parker College, Claflin University, Dalton State College, East Georgia State College, Fort Valley State University, Georgia College and State University, Georgia Southern University, Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, Middle Georgia State University, Oconee Fall Line Technical CollegeS, avannah State University and Valdosta State University 

Additionally, students will learn about scholarship and program opportunities as well as how completing their FAFSA can determine financial aid eligibility.  

Please note the timing of tomorrow's fair has been strategically determined,  as the Georgia Student Finance Commission has partnered with Georgia colleges and universities to waive college application fees in November! 

With so many post-grad partners represented, I thought it might make for a good Vo/Sot or photo op? If you're unable to make it, I'd also be happy to share a few photos or B-Roll with you as well.  Just let me know how I can be of support. Thanks, and Go Irish! 

November 17, 2022:  News Alert to Local Media Partners 

I wanted to let you know that Susie Dasher Elementary School will be having its annual Career Day, TOMORROW, Friday, November 18th.  The day will begin at 8:30 AM with Air Evac landing on campus (weather permitting) before students hear from 20 local leaders about their careers.  Rotations will conclude around 11:30 AM 

Guests include our local police and sheriff’s department, the Dublin Fire Department, a real estate agent, a basketball coach, local artists and so much more (including a presentation about School PR from yours truly).  

It might make for a cute story highlighting community partnerships and how Dublin City Schools is supporting students (Pre-K through 12th Grade) on their journey to being college and career ready.  

If you’re able to make it, Susie Dasher Elementary is located at 911 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Dublin, GA. 

And, if you aren’t able to make it in person but would still like to highlight the hard work of Susie Dasher’s Career Committee Team, I’d be happy to share photos with you following tomorrow’s events. 

Thanks for your support, and should you have any questions, please let me know! 

July 15, 2022 - Responses to Parent Concerns Posted Through Let's Talk  

Since we have the lowest student population in Laurens County, why do we have a large number of administrative staff at our DCS campuses? 

  • The amount of administrative staff serving Dublin City Schools is not determined by the amount of students and staff of Laurens County or Trinity Christian School.  It is determined by our students, their needs and the district’s mission, vision, beliefs and goals.  Our district’s approach in leadership for schools has consistently yielded high graduation rates.  Over the past five years, Dublin City Schools has far exceeded the average for our county, region and all of Georgia.  

What is the plan for teacher retention? 

  • According to the Southern Regional Education Board (of which,  Georgia is part of the 16 states represented),  50% fewer teachers are entering the workforce compared to a decade beforehand and 76% of Human Resource Officers for these states say resignations are higher now than previously.  Additionally, during the 2021-2022 school year, 50% of teachers within the SREB said they planned to leave their jobs.  At Dublin City Schools, we are thankful this is NOT our story.   
  • However, knowing these statistics, Dublin City Schools’ Human Resources Department continues to place an emphasis on both the recruitment and retention of top talent.  
  • In addition to excellent professional development throughout the school year and a competitive salary scale with the highest local supplement in our county, all employees in the district receive Lucky Loot, which is a retention bonus given each January.  
  • Furthermore, we have academic coaches supporting our teachers at each campus.  And, this year, teachers new to the profession and new to the district will receive targeted assistance and professional learning from the district’s Teacher Induction Coach in addition to support from their academic coach.  
  • Dublin City Schools is the only district within the county to host its own job fair  Additionally, our Human Resources Department continues to attend job fairs and works directly with colleges and universities to provide current staff members with added opportunities.  Thanks to our partnership with Mercer University and Middle Georgia State University, current staff members are able to obtain master’s and specialist degrees at either low or no cost. 
  • Additionally, thanks to our articulation with Middle Georgia State University, the district is able to employ student-teachers as the official teacher-of-record, creating a seamless transition for them to become full-time DCS employees upon their college graduation. 
  • And, through Dublin High School’s CTAE Career Pathway - Teaching as a Profession,  high school students are studying to become educators.  Once they’ve completed the initial coursework, they’re eligible to participate in dual enrollment at either Middle Georgia State University or Oconee Fall Line Technical College.  This means that while they’re still in high school, students are able to earn technical certificates or college credit that goes toward their Bachelor’s degree at no-cost to our high schoolers or their families.  
  • Overtime, our intent is to hire these same students during their student-teacher phase, creating a strong teacher pipeline for our district.  Our hope is that more teachers will have sat in the same seats as students they’ll be serving. 

Are the teachers doing exit reviews, and, if so, are there any plans to mitigate the issues they are challenged with to keep them? 

  • Yes, our Human Resources Department continues to carry out exit interviews.  Our HR Director shares information and common trends with Superintendent Williams.  In turn, Dr. Williams and our HR Director celebrate our success with impacted leadership team members, building level leadership or departments as well as review opportunities for growth with impacted leadership team members, building level leadership or departments.  Based on the information shared as part of exit interviews, action steps are taken. 

Are all DCS teachers certified to teach in the capacity they are recruited for and if so is this information public?

  • All teachers within the district are professionally qualified to teach their specific grade or subject area.  Depending on their route into the profession, some are seeking additional education toward their clear renewable certificate.  Families will receive further details about their child’s teacher, including their qualifications, during Open House.  

July 11, 2022 - 13WMAZ 

REQUEST:  Wanya Reese with 13WMAZ called in reference to Back to School Coverage for the 2022 school year. He requested a live remote and to cover multiple topics including teaching during the pandemic and the district's enhanced transparency efforts.

RESPONSE:  I wanted to connect everyone about the possible coverage for Back to School, specifically tied to our enhanced transparency efforts across the district.  I know that July 21st will be a conflict for, at least, Ashley-Michelle and myself, but let's talk about some other dates/times.  We'd also like to talk about the number of other story elements you'll want.  

June 23, 2022:  Responses to Parent Concerns Posted Through Let's Talk 

Please explain why school day start times are different to this parent.

  • Start times are decided upon at the school level.  Once approved by the School Governance Team, the school collaborates with the Transportation Department to ensure each student who rides a bus to school arrives safely.  

  • Because we offer total school choice, routes are not based on location.  

  • Additionally, having a universal start time for all schools would not be feasible based on the number of bus drivers we have, as many have to drive dual routes.   

 Would the district be willing to re-survey parents’ to assess the continued desire      to continue with the uniform policy? 

  • The district has no uniform policy.  Instead, the student dress code is decided at the school level; therefore, please speak with the School Governance Team regarding future suggestions.  

What are the punitive consequences for discipline referrals? Are those policies noted in  the DMS handbook? 

  • Dublin City Schools has a zero tolerance bullying policy.  The progressive discipline policy is duly noted in each school’s handbook. Here’s a link to our bullying test and flowchart.

  • All students are entitled to confidentiality per federal law.  Therefore, we cannot share specific details about another child’s discipline data to anyone other than their immediate caregiver.  However, if any student or staff member has concerns about the behavior or emotional state of any person on campus, they can make a referral to a school administrator, which is then promptly investigated to determine the appropriate course of action. 

Was the selection process for awarding the Stuckey award? If IGA is a  program and not a school, why weren’t IGA middle school students eligible to receive this  award? 

  • The Dr. Jaroy Stuckey Irish Scholar Award is an award given by Dublin Middle School administrators for its students.  Any questions regarding DMS/IGA Honors Day should be directed to their school administrator. 

  • The criteria to receive the Dr. Jaroy Stuckey Irish Scholar Award include: 

  • The student must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA (B average) throughout the year.  All class averages must be at least a B. 

  • The student must meet the College and Career Ready Lexile requirements for his/her grade level on the Reading Inventory. 

  • The student must have a good behavioral record with no discipline referrals. 

  • The student must have a good attendance record. (no more than 5 absences for  the year). Exceptions can be made for critical illnesses. 

  • The student must participate in at least one extracurricular activity. 

  • The student must participate in at least one community service project during  the school year. (not a requirement this year due to Covid)  

Is there room in our budget to not only give sign on bonuses, but also retention  bonuses? 

  • Dublin City Schools’ FY23 Teacher Salary Schedule can be found here.  As you’ll see, all staff members receive their Lucky Loot retention bonus in January.  Our staff does not receive a sign-on bonus.  However, that is not an uncommon practice for school districts across Georgia.

Did Roger Holmes in fact get a $26,000 raise? 

  • Like all public school employees, Roger Holmes’ salary is available on Open Georgia

What are the roles of the additional administrators are Dublin High? Are they also  offering instructional time? 

  • Dublin City Schools is fortunate to be able to provide the high school with four administrators.  This includes a principal for Dublin High School, a traditional assistant principal, an assistant principal/school improvement specialist (whose salary is paid for through Title I funding) as well as an administrator specifically dedicated to the 9th Grade Academy.  This has been a practice since 2017.  The roles and responsibilities of these administrators are vast, and while they support staff in carrying out their instruction, they are not the teacher of record for any students. 

Exactly what grant funded the opening of IGA? What grant funded the improvements  made to the old high school gym for IGA? Is that grant continuing to fund IGA or are the  expenses now coming from the budget of DCS?  Who paid for the playground at IGA? 

  • The Irish Gifted Academy and improvements to its campus, including the outdoor playground, were paid for through the general funds.  No grants were used to open the IGA. 

Is IGA following the admission requirements as listed in the application? Are any of the  requirements being waived for anyone and if so why? 

  • The requirements for admission into the Irish Gifted Academy are found here in the application.  Under Dr. Norfleet and Mrs. Methvin’s leadership, we are confident the required criteria for admittance have and will continue to be met. 

What is the IGA policy regarding children that need remediation during summer school? Are  they allowed to return to IGA the following year? 

  • Summer school is most typically indicative of a student’s performance on a Georgia Milestone, and this applies to any student within our system.  Promotion, retention and participation in programs, such as the gifted program, is a decision made at the building level based on set criteria.  If there are any questions about such criteria, families should contact their child’s building principal directly. 

Have teacher assignments been finalized at IGA? Are those teacher gifted certified? 

  • Like all schools within the district, the Irish Gifted Academy will be sharing teacher assignments with families during Open House (August 2, 2022). Open House times can be found here.  At that time, families will receive further details about their teacher, including their qualifications. 

How often do IGA teachers have to update their grade books? 

  • The frequency for how often teachers update grade books is determined at the school level.  However, we appreciate you bringing this concern to our attention.  We will remind staff of this during an upcoming principals meeting and invite you to speak with your child’s teacher, then the principal should this become a concern anytime throughout the school year. 

Standard 6 of the Code of Ethics from PCS does not explicitly prevent teachers from tutoring  DCS students that they do not currently instruct. Can this be done as long as it is not on  school property using any system resources? The issue at hand seemed to be the solicitation  of services, however parents, who are heavily encouraged to use the Remind App to best  communicate with teachers, are being sent email solicitations to sign up for Remind tutoring  services at $40/hr. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to the student to by tutored by an educator in  our system? 

  • Dublin City Schools follows the Code of Ethics for Educators.  We cannot speak for other school districts and how they choose to operate.  Meanwhile, each of our schools offers no-cost tutoring/remediation through the 21st Century program or its own after school program.  If you have any questions, please contact the building leader of your child’s school.