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Dublin City Schools Showing Growth Across All Grade Levels In Latest CCRPI Report

On Friday, the Georgia Department of Education released its College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) report.  Dublin City Schools showed improvements and outpaced the state in many of the CCRPI’s component areas for each grade level - elementary, middle and high schools. 

“I am proud to see Dublin City Schools students making academic progress and succeeding both in and out of core subject areas. While there are clear areas of strength, there are also opportunities for growth, and our district remains committed to continuous improvement,” said Superintendent Dr. Fred Williams.  “We will continue focusing on Collaborative Planning, implementing the High Achievement and Success Guide, reading on grade level as evidenced by GMAS Proficiency & Lexiles, building strong relationships and trust, as well as increasing attendance to ensure every student receives an excellent education.” 

The state CCRPI score comes from four areas for elementary and middle school: Content Mastery, Progress, Closing the Gaps, and Readiness. The High School CCRPI score includes those four categories and adds in the Graduation Rate, which for Dublin City Schools’ Class of 2024 was 95.4%.

  • Content Mastery consists of student proficiency statewide assessments like the Georgia Alternate Assessments for Students with Significant Disabilities as well as Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade and End-of-Course Exams.  
  • Progress measures student growth from year to year in demographic subgroups.
  • Closing the Gaps measures how much students grow in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Progress also measures how our English Language Learners are progressing towards English proficiency.
  • Readiness measures indicators such as literacy scores, data on the percentage of students succeeding in beyond the core instruction such as Career Pathway Completions, accelerated enrollment, and student attendance.

The table below shows a comparison between 2023 and 2024. 


DCS Elementary Schools (Pre-K thru 4th Grade) 2024 

DCS 5th Grade at Dublin Middle School 


DCS Middle Schools (6th - 8th Grade) 



DCS High Schools (9th - 12th Grade) 


Content Mastery 

11.6% Increase from 2023  

2.1% Decrease   from 2023   

5% Increase from 2023  

5.7% Increase  from 2023  


1.9% Increase  from 2023   

8.5% Decrease  from 2023  

6.2% Decrease  from 2023  

5.6% Decrease  from 2023   

Closing the Gap 

20.85% Increase  from 2023 with all schools having 100% 

87.5% Decrease  from 2023 

Remained at 100%  

44.2% Increase  from 2023   


2% Increase  from 2023   

1.1% Increase  from 2023 

1.7% Increase  from 2023   

2.6% Increase  from 2023   

We are proud of the increases in Content Mastery and Readiness scores at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. 

Additionally, the district outperformed the state in Progress amongst our middle schoolers, with 83.8% of DCS middle schoolers mastering that target area, compared to the state’s 82.3%. 

Similarly, for the second year in a row, a perfect 100% was scored for Closing the Gap amongst DCS middle school students, while DCS high schoolers increased their Closing the Gap numbers by 44.2% - up from 46.7% to 90.9%.  Both outperformed the state; for middle schoolers, the Closing the Gap average was 82.3%.  Among high schoolers, the state average was 82.7%. 

Further topping the state, Dublin City Schools’ overall four-year graduation rate for the Class of 2024 was 95.4%.  At 95.4% for Moore Street School and 95.9% for Dublin High School, both high school graduation rates were well above the state average of 85.7%. 

Additional points of pride include: 

  • Hillcrest Elementary School earned the prestigious Literacy Leader award for its exceptional progress in improving student reading levels. This award celebrates the school’s achievements in 3rd Grade Gateway Growth and 4th Grade Growth, marking it as a leader in advancing literacy skills crucial to students' lifelong educational success.
  • Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states are required to identify schools in need of additional support – in Georgia, these designations are referred to as Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) and Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI). Dublin City Schools has NO SCHOOLS on either list.