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Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), formerly referred to as “Response to Intervention(RTI),” is a large system of tiered interventions that is widely considered an umbrella framework that includes “whole child” data, responses, and growth (achievement as well as attendance, behavior, and connectedness/wellbeing), essentially combining the previously separate processes.  MTSS is applied to all students (not just struggling students).

Key components of MTSS:

  • A 3-Tier delivery model designed to provide support matched to student need through the implementation of standards-based classrooms.
  • Evidence-based instruction as the core of classroom pedagogy.
  • Evidence-based interventions utilized with increasing levels of intensity based on progress monitoring.
  • The use of a variety of ongoing assessment data to determine which students are not meeting success academically and/or behaviorally.
  • Data Teams in each school serve as the driving force for instructional decision making in the building.
  • Purposeful allocation of instructional resources based on student assessment data.


TEresa blanton

PBIS/Media Specialist District Coordinator



Marcee Pool

Director of Curriculum, Kindergarten - 8th Grade 



Dr. Jameson travick

Director of Curriculum, 9th - 12th Grade 
